Sunrise, Los Angeles, USA, 1/7/2020
“With Each Sunrise You Encounter A Dawn of New Possibilities. Recall This, And You Shall Find A Renewed Purpose for Each Day.” - Yogi Bhajan.
Passion fueled purpose fuels our souls making us into the best version of ourselves! I’m always finding new ways of creating art and I love meeting new people. We are cheating life if we aren’t filling our own spiritual, mental and physical bodies with healthy ideas, activities and relationships. If we ourselves aren’t Healthy… how do we heal? Mindfulness and meditation always bring me back to center.
If you don’t have a meditation practice, try starting with 5 min and work your way up slowly to 30 minutes over a period of weeks or months. There is no “right” way to meditate, just like there is no “right” way to pray. It’s not easy at first. When thoughts come up and distract you look at them as floating logs down a river…. let them pass. This has helped me particularly in the practice of “letting go.” Below are some tips for starting your meditation practice.
Each day we have is full of new adventures. You only live once. Love Big! Live Big! . .
Peace. Love. Coconut.
Sat Nam 💜🙏💫 @siri_manpriya @eliza__anne
Meditation Beginner:
-Sit on the edge of your bed with your feet planted firmly on the ground, spine straight, chin slightly tilted down (to align to spine).
-Set timer for 5min. increasing each time you practice.
— I like to use sage, palo santo, light incense and/or candles before I meditate. Ultimately, if you are comfortable meditation is easier. 🙏