

 “Vulnerability is the birthplace of innovation, creativity and change.”

— @brenebrown

As humans our psyche is conditioned to live in a routine. We’re told it’s healthy.  We’re told it’s the “normal” way of life. 

This conditioning process starts in the crib and takes us through old age. When to wake up in the morning, eat breakfast/lunch/dinner, sleep, shower, go to work/school, go to church, come home from work/ school, do homework, brush our teeth and finally when to go to sleep. 

What happens to our psyche when this routine is broken? As humans a large percentage of the population has been conditioned to live this way. Few break the mold, step out of the routine and nearly become societal outcasts. 


Has our society become too reliant on routine? Has 2020 and Covid-19 shaken up our world? Absolutely. People’s psyches have begun to break. Our world is having to adjust to living in a drastically different way than we have for centuries. Most of our world only lives within their routines. 

Now, the world has shifted. Covid-19 came and shook the human race to the core. We were forced to change at a rapid pace. The result is not surprising. People have more free time, time to pay attention to what is going on in the world around them and it’s affected the psyche. Human conditioning has been thrown out the window. People are acting out because they don’t really know how to react. As a result, we have more crime, hatred, protests, riots, negativity and less peace. 


Where will our society go from here? Conditioning pushed the world into this reaction. People were not “awake”. They were living their comfortable lives of routine, many unaware of what was really going on. In many ways Covid is a blessing. It’s calling us all to WAKE UP, stop just living in your own world and start working as a team.  
Rely more on people than money.
Find a way to Just Be. 


When we are vulnerable we are more open to connecting honestly with other people. When we are going through situations in our lives it is often easier to mask the pain by numbing ourselves in some way.  Substance, television, self loathing, shopping, pampering, isolating etc. As a human race one of the hardest things to do is talk about our stress, worry and pain. People are more receptive to happy go lucky conversations.  We tend to be surrounded by negativity in the press and we can’t handle any more drama. I find that being honest and open can be freeing. Not everyone likes everything I have to say, but I find that bottling things up often creates more pain. Be vulnerable: look up, look in, look forward, look around, look back and Just Be. 

Peace, Love, Coconut

Eliza ☮️❤️🥥

Just Be

“Let go of control, for life organizes itself better than you could ever imagine! When you surrender, you create space and flexibility. this card appears to tell you that it is perfectly fine for things to go differently than expected.”

@innercompasscards @tipineel 

Check out this exquisite tarot/guidance deck I had the privilege of editing —Created by the talented @tipineel — @innercompasscards featured on @gwynethpaltrow’s @goop — worldwide shipping 🛍

Link in profile.