“There are two ways of living. Either you can fight and hassle for whatever you feel that you want in life, or you can make yourself so beautiful and divine that God will love to come and sit in your lap and all your desires will be pre-fulfilled.“ -Yogi Bhajan
When I was reading my card, Surrender, today and the lesson from Yogi Bhajan, the sermon I heard at church echoed inside me. Trust God and surrender to him your trust when it comes to everything.....even finances.
Now, before you get carried away and stop reading, this was NOT a sermon on giving All of your money to the church. This was a sermon on trusting God with your daily finances. Again, if you read the blog in its entirety this will all make sense.
Pastor Brian, Hillsong Church, highlighted several points and gave a fantastic sermon. He was on fire and I was getting goosebumps. I have included direct quotes, paraphrases, scripture and my own text.
Pastor Brian said, “Every time God talked about money it was never about money it was always about trust. The moment we cannot trust God with our money we are putting our trust In the Money. God will restore what you have lost and restore it in double proportion if you trust.”
These were his words, but taken from scripture.
The Bible talks about money twice as often as any other subject. 300 words in the Bible mean prosperity. There are 15,429 uses of those words 1329 in the law. The word prosperity, or a derivative, was used by Jesus 375 times in 3 years and 200 times by the Apostle Paul.
The Bible refers to riches 194 ways. 97 positive and 97 warnings — was it a mistake that he referred to it equally, No! Riches are man made, blessings are a gift from God.
This is where surrender comes in for me. I’m always saying, “I don’t care about money.” That isn’t entirely true, but I trust God with my money so I do not worry about it. I have surrendered my finances to him.
“I’m not ruled by money
I’m not controlled by money
I don’t love money,
But I can’t get away from money.”
Does God want you to care about money? Deuteronomy 8:18 says, “God gives you the power to have wealth to sow into the blessings of God.” God doesn’t want you living in devastation.
Christianity is about internal transformation. Instead of “an eye for an eye”, God said, “turn the other cheek”. Apply that to money.
In 2 Corinthians 9:6-9, God loves a cheerful giver. Abundance brings Abundance.
In this life, live where you are above not beneath, don’t be ruled by limited thinking that comes from background, heritage and experiences. We have all things richly to enjoy. Gods forgiveness and healing is a richness.
Don’t minimize financial blessings. God is a lover and giver.
In Gods economy the currency is always giving and receiving. Giving is a response to what he has already done. You can’t out give God.
Reactionary theology will always lead to error. Get out of the ditch and get into the mainstream. It is hard for a rich person to get into the kingdom. If we try to use money as power it won’t get us anywhere. God blesses you with money if you are faithful, surrender and trust Him. Money is temporary. You can’t take it with you but you’re sending it in front of you.
If we make money the goal it causes trouble.
I don’t love money, I love people. I give to people and it makes my heart smile and soul sing.
When you give, give to the poor and see the harvest of souls. Lead with your giving, enable the message and watch your support help people. Giving always comes back to the people that give.
Luke 6 37:38 says, “Give and you will receive.”
When a farmer sows a field he sows to create a harvest. Just like when we give. The farmer needs the blessing of the harvest. It’s coming back.
Psalm 41: 1-3 says, “When you give to the poor you lend to the Lord. Gods Bill is Gods Bill. It Comes Back.”
Yogi Bhajan talked about giving in 1996 at the Summer Solstice.
He said, “Your normal process of life is to not give; not giving yourself a chance, not giving to others. You do not believe in creating a vacuum. When there is a vacuum, God must fill it. I'm not saying that you are poor. But you could have more. Giving is the way of the rich—giving services, giving expertise, giving work, giving to others to get blessings, giving something for prayer, giving to the needy.
You don't pay attention. You sometimes just don't want to do anything. Sometimes you are not very agreeable. You are more concerned with scare tactics, with insecurities, than with your power to expand.”
My prayer for you today is that you will put purpose behind your blessings. Today use your affluence to have influence in this world. We aren’t just blessed we are blessed to be a blessing. Our money has a mission, so use your finances to focus. I always feel more complete when I give to those in need. God tugs on my heart and I give in any way I can. For this reason, I do not worry about money. I trust, I surrender and I give from my heart. It always comes back. Sow your harvest today.
Sat Nam 💜🙏💫
💫Today’s @innercompasscards Reading💫
You are resisting something or someone. This card asks you to fully let go of control and start accepting instead. Life can be heavy and complicated. By surrendering yourself fully to grief, despair or whichever indeterminate feeling you might have, you create space for change. Through surrender, you can overturn anything. You are no longer a victim of your feelings, identification with negative emotions stop. Do not hold on to them out of habit. Releasing and surrendering is liberating. You are greater than your feelings. You are limitless consciousness. Emotions are ephemeral; they are simply to warn you or to teach you a lesson. Let them work for you, not against you! take deep breaths and allow all feelings to be, without trying to hide them, or fade them, or fix them. You control your own life! Every situation gives you the power to decide whether you will meet it with love or with fear. Experience life with sadness or with joy. It takes exercise to apply this. You will experience deep inner peace and unconditional love. Exactly what you are.