"Human love is for one thing only: to love your soul. The Infinite world around you will be in love with you." - Yogi Bhajan
How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Do you love what you see? Do you desire to be more? Do you love others? Do you treat others as you’d like to be treated?
We’ve all heard the saying, “It’s what’s in the inside that counts.” This saying is more true than most of us actually feel. Today as I drew my Inner Compass Card, I drew Mirror.
This card isn’t actually speaking of a literal mirror. We mirror each other every day with every encounter we have with a human being. God brings people into our lives most often to teach us something we must learn along our journey.
If you are in denial about a problem you are having in life you will come face to face with them in the form of human mirrors. If you are dealing with addiction, attitude, finances, self love, etc God will bring people into your life for a period of time to bring awareness to these issues.
You must fall in love with yourself, put a smile on your face and shine your light. When you do so, you will radiate and naturally attract radiant confident beings. Show grace, give love and be generous. Be the mirror of God as we are all called to be.
“The Catalyst Yogi helps you to attract healthy, loving relationships and claim your unique, divine gifts through the Shadow Mining online healing programs. These programs are to assist you in your evolution into the new Aquarian Age consciousness.” @3HOFoundation
@CatalystYogi writes, “To truly love one other human can be one of the greatest challenges in our lifetime and to love all of humanity can seem like an impossible feat. Yet this is what the Aquarian Age demands of each one of us.
Each soul longs to be a conduit for Universal Love and an excellent barometer is the love we feel towards our brothers and sisters on this planet.
The Universe provides a cosmic mirror and is very generous in showing us ourselves. Each person you meet every day from the grocery clerk to your mother is showing you a reflection of yourself. As we move more into Unity Consciousness these reflections are becoming more magnified only so that we can see ourselves in truth. It is your choice to fight or embrace the reflection that you see.
these relationship challenges can be reduced to one spiritual lesson: to learn to love ourselves unconditionally. For example, to only love a select group of people in your community and to judge others is not real love. You cannot give something that you do not possess yourself.
Embrace those people who annoy you, who bring out painful emotions, negativity and judgment from deep inside you. The truth is that those people are not the cause of your painful emotions and negativity. This lower frequency energy has been living inside you a long time, waiting to be seen, felt and transmuted into the light.
How do you know when you have reached that state of self-love? It is when you don't get caught up in another's opinion of you; when you don't argue with people; when you don't lose sleep over another person; when you no longer live in the past; when you no longer take things personally; when you are able to extend compassion to each person you meet. When you love yourself, you don't need another person to validate you, to take care of you or to love and accept you.
When you truly love yourself, you love all selves. This makes your relationships and your life flow more smoothly. Human Love teaches us to love our own Soul by accepting all aspects of ourselves that we see in the cosmic mirror. Human love allows us to see the light that lives in all human beings.
Make the commitment to see and relate only to the light in other people. If you find this challenging with some people, extend a small prayer to request to see that person through God's Eyes. You will be amazed at the compassionate energy that moves through your heart. When you do this it only reinforces and strengthens your God Self. Remember, GOD wants to experience itself through you and there is nothing more beautiful and heart opening than to see GOD loving GOD through human beings.”
My prayer for you today is your mirror. Find love, grace, beauty and mercy within yourself. After all the only way to truly love is to be in love with yourself first. Radiate!
Sat Nam
💫Today’s @innercompasscards Reading💫
Life is nothing but a mirror reflecting your inner world. We all know what it is like to have our buttons pushed. Be aware of the fact that your reaction says little about the trigger, and more about yourself. Maybe you are suppressing certain feelings that chose this moment to come to the surface? Could it be that you still have a conflict within yourself, that is now becoming known? By projecting your unconscious judgments onto others, you take away your own sense of responsibility and empowerment. What a waste! Every trigger offers the perfect opportunity to investigate what is still in your way. It is an illusion to seek the blame outside. The Mayans say in lak’ech to greet each other, meaning ‘I am another you’. If you recognize this truth then your world will become clear like a mirror, reflecting many insights and opportunities for growth.