“Prosperity doesn’t mean that you will have wealth, health and happiness. The best way to explain prosperity is to say it is like when a rosebud flowers and opens up, and it shares its fragrance. That’s the moment, which lasts a few days, when a rose flower is prosperous.
When a man or woman is prosperous, it is the fragrance of security, grace, depth, character, and truthfulness that a person can share. Like a candle emits light, a human emits prosperity.” ~ Yogi Bhajan
Are you constantly afraid of never having enough? Do you live in fear? Do you give to those who do not have? Are you grateful?
In this life, God has provided ALL you need. I have plenty. You have plenty. We all do.
I used to be freaked out and anxious about things quite often. When I decided to “Let Go and Let God”, I no longer worried. I am always taken care of.
We are more than dollar signs. We can share light, love, smiles and greetings with others. To me, a smile is the number one currency in the world.
“True prosperity happens when our own being comes into a state of flowering. Each of us has something unique to share. When we walk the path of our soul’s calling, known as destiny, that is prosperity.
Yogi Bhajan gave many different kriyas and meditations to activate the human capacity to expand, and to develop prosperity consciousness. Expansion and prosperity are completely connected with the destiny of the soul. Everything we need to complete our soul’s purpose is pre-arranged and waiting for us to receive it.
According to Yogi Bhajan, prosperity is the state where you are YOU. As you vibrate yourSelf, everything you need shall come to you. Hassling and being clever are not necessary. Be yourSelf, and Mother Nature will serve you.” @3hoFoundation
My prayer for you today is that love yourself and carry with you the idea of having plenty. God has you taken care of. Sharing the light is the most important thing we can share. Give the gift of a smile today — I bet you’ll get one back in return.
Sat Nam 💜🙏💫
@siri_manpriya @eliza__anne
💫Today’s @innercompasscards Reading”
Your life is blossoming! Currently, the path you have chosen is covered with opportunities. A period of abundance has started or will reach you soon. The universe provides, no matter what you create. Seize all opportunities. do not settle for less or mediocrity. Open yourself up to your limitless potential. Being rich means different things to different people. What matters is your personal perception of prosperity. Are you aware of your happiness? Health? Self-Worth? Friendship? Freedom? It is your birthright to be happy, and to have everything you wish for in abundance. Sharing your well-being is important, because you can use it to show others their strength. Everything you share is a sign of reverence. Money is energy; wealth is infinite. Take note: fear of scarcity will attract scarcity. A deep faith in prosperity, will attract prosperity.