"If you want to be happy, forget about yourself—and serve others." Yogi Bhajan
We create our reality. Become an observer in your life and see it from the outside in. There are 5 ways you can look at your life to gain perspective.
- Look up — often we are phone zombies looking down or looking down on others. You must look up your help comes from God. Most of us suffer from the Columbus syndrome. We don’t know where we’re going or were we’ve been. We all need insight, foresight and oversight. Only God has these. If we want to see how God sees we’ve got to look up.
- Look Back — People have been looking to God all over the world for 5,000 years. There are Billions of satisfied customers.
- Look In — Do you want to look into Gods Mirror? Do you want God to look inside? Whoever knows what is right to do but fails to do it for that person it is wrong.
Two reasons why people don’t look to God.
- They haven’t met someone who does
- They have met someone who does
Wherever we go we are the carriers of Gods love and message. We bring in the Aura of God. We bring the light.
- Look Around - People don’t care how much we know until they know how much we care.
- Look Forward — 10 years of life per day of the week is what we are granted. Sometimes God gives us an extra day or two • 100 yrs is a blip on the eternal screen 💫💜🙏
“Feeling discouraged, miserable, and down in the dumps is a story that we can rewrite if we choose to do so. Depression (other than clinical depression) is an attitude that can become a habit. Happiness is also an attitude that can become a habit.
There's a wonderful Zen riddle that goes something like this: Imagine there is a goose trapped inside a bottle. The bottle has a very thin neck (I guess you'd call it a goose-necked bottle). The riddle is "how do you get the goose out of the bottle without hurting the goose or breaking the bottle?" The answer is simple (and I won't make you meditate for 20 years to figure it out)—you get the goose out of the bottle the same way you got it in.
This is not to say that depression is imaginary; we feel it all right. But do we have to hold onto it? Moods, feelings, emotions, pain, and pleasure are just thought waves in the mind (sometimes brought on by glandular changes). Sometimes we can control them easily, sometimes not.
Chanting and meditating create new routes for our mental and emotional energy to travel. Using these tools we do have the power to choose a pleasant path of joy and happiness at any given moment in our lives. It doesn't matter what the outer circumstances are; it is my perception that creates my reality.” Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa @3hofoundation
Yogi Bhajan’s Seven Steps to Happiness
Happiness comes from giving, and having an attitude of gratitude. Happiness has to do with being god-like. That’s not asking too much, since the core identity of each of us is Spirit. That’s why these Seven Steps to Happiness apply.
1. Commitment
The first step is commitment. Commit to kindness and compassion. In every life you are meant to commit. That is why the word is commit-meant. Commitment gives you CHARACTER.
2. Character
Character is when all your characteristics—all facets, flaws, and facts—are under your control. Yin and yang meet there, totally balanced. Character is a pattern of behavior where you can clearly answer and stand before your own consciousness. Character gives you DIGNITY.
3. Dignity
Dignity is when you act as a god for another. People start trusting you, liking you, respecting you. Dignity will give you DIVINITY.
4. Divinity
Divinity is when people have no duality about you. They trust you right away. They have no fear about you. Divinity is when you put yourself and your life on the line to serve another person or a creature. Divinity gives you GRACE.
5. Grace
Where there is grace, there is no interference, no gap between two people, no hidden agendas. Grace is when you’ve developed a presence that works. Grace gives you the power to SACRIFICE.
6. Power to Sacrifice
The power to sacrifice is when God sits in your heart and presides in your head. You can stand any pain for another person. That sacrifice takes you to HAPPINESS.
7. Happiness
Happiness is when you can be thankful for the chance of being these seven things.
My prayer for you today Is that you observe your life. Observe: look up, look in, look forward, look around and look back.
Sat Nam 💜🙏💫
@siri_manpriya @eliza__anne
💫Today’s @innercompasscards Reading💫
You perceive the world from your perspective. All you will ever see, is how you choose to see things. Imagine, you notice a cockroach in your room and it disgusts you. You are the one with disgust in your system, the insect itself has nothing to do with this. You have chosen to look at it through a lens of dislike. On the opposite, it is possible to take a purely observing position, without reaction and judgment; beyond association and identification. Here, you can experience that everything simply is. there is a tangible stillness and expansion in this position of pure being. As an observer in the revelry, you experience calmness and a sense of connection with everything and everyone around you. The observer knows that everything is awareness, and takes his or her place without any filters or noise. In this space of neutrality, all is welcome. Life is constantly changing, absolutely nothing is permanent and every- thing is connected. Let this card inspire you to observe reality in truth.