Freedom by Grace
“Make yourself so happy so that when others look at you they become happy too.” Yogi Bhajan
Freedom creates happiness and happiness creates freedom. What is your definition of happiness? What is your definition of freedom? Physical, social and financial freedom create this feeling of contentment for most of us. Happiness tends to be an overused word and often misused. Some of us are so busy looking for this so called happiness that we miss the life we are living right now.
Can we not see that we are already free? As a human race, we are privileged and spoiled. We create expectations, unrealistic expectations actually, that cause us to feel unfulfilled. When these expectations aren’t met we either become discouraged, depressed, turn to substances, our relationships break down, etc.
Rev. Chad, Luminous Parish, Franklin, TN, was touching on the subject of grace and freedom last night. He had a powerful message that I think most people grasped, but don’t understand how to live.
Rev. Chad said, “What does it look like to embody another world? One where grace is given in a place that doesn’t look deserved......Where there is a yin and yang...?
Have you ever been face to face with someone that embodies God in such a way that you immediately feel peace, love, light and acceptance? To me this is happiness and this is freedom. Being able to live as someone with the light. FREEDOM IS LETTING GO of patterns, prejudices, preconceived notions, labels, beliefs, habits etc.
By letting go of these patterns we are then able to embody the love of God and show his light to the rest of the world.
Someone said something to me that was a bit disturbing the other day. They said that God calls us to love everyone, but respect those in authority. They said that people must respect our current leaders. That means we must accept our nations leaders choices, bigotry, prejudice, selfishness, violence, darkness and hatred towards other religions, races, immigrants etc.
Excuse me, but this my dear friends is not Freedom. This is oppression. I wonder if this same person that suggested that I respect Trump would’ve respected Hitler if they lived in Germany during World War II. Would they have supported the killing of millions of Jews?
People many times are so masked by the vail of their past beliefs, media funnel or patterns that they have a hard time being FREE. As God’s children we are REQUIRED, not only asked, to treat others with unending grace, unconditional love and never ending mercy.
My prayer for you today is that you will seek God. Fall on your knees, look up and ask him, am I living with Grace? Don’t make excuses. Set yourself free. Let your light Shine so bright that it can’t be dimmed. Freedom: look up, look in, look forward, look around and look back. Examine yourself. Looking in, not out. Peace be with you friends.
Sat Nam 🙏💫💜
@siri_manpriya @eliza__anne
💫Today’s @innercompasscards Reading💫
You can free yourself from the prison of limiting patterns, thoughts and beliefs. You create that! This card indicates a shift that is possible for all. To wake up from the dream in which most people live, you have to realize that there is no need to believe your own constraining thoughts. Realize they are they are neither true nor hold value, they simply become redundant. The world is one big projection of your thoughts. Free yourself from investigating and questioning them, it will feel different immediately. If you are free, you live by feeling and trust that it will all be ok. You simply know this. Imagine the freedom when you are not guided by your own limiting beliefs, fears or tightly packed agenda. Nothing will be able to stop you. Mental freedom creates flexibility in your mind; you are better equipped to deal with adversity. Physical freedom offers a certain flexibility in your body; you are healthy and comfortable in your own skin. Financial freedom lets you do what you want to do. Social freedom allows for a connection with people that are a match to you. Spiritual freedom means that you are following your own path. You not only recognize your gut feeling, but you are also brave enough to act upon it. If you believe in yourself and your own wisdom, it is easier to follow choices made from the heart with true freedom as a result. Always remember, you are free to be Who you are!