“Your commitment and your trust of your commitment is where your real look is. People can look at you, they can deal with you, they can love you, they can do everything, but, whenever they are going to find out that your commitment is not trustworthy, you have lost the game. It doesn't matter who you are.” Yogi Bhajan (Library of Teachings)
Yogi Bhajan spoke about the importance of the way people view us in his lecture to a room full of Kundalini students in Los Angeles, 1984.
“What do you see when you look in the mirror?” YB said.
The class of students chimed in with answers and concluded with —
1. We see ourselves in the mirror as other see us.
2. We see our performance/actions
Most importantly he said was…..
3..... how people see our commitments……
If we do not stand by our commitments...(do what we say, take actions that we say we are going to take, speak honestly, etc.) then it doesn’t matter how wonderful we are. Without trust and commitment we have nothing.
As you walk through this day I pray that you seek truth, stand by your commitments and allow yourself the opportunity of being seen by this world as a beacon of light and hope anchored in this ever increasing darkness our world is creating.
Peace-Love-Coconut ✌️💙🥥
Sat Nam 🙏
Siri Manpriya
*To listen/watch the full Yogi Bhajan lecture follow this link to the YB Library of Teachings
Today’s @innercompasscards reading 💫🙏
“Life is nothing but a mirror reflecting your inner world. We all know what it is like to have our buttons pushed. Be aware of the fact that your reaction says little about the trigger, and more about yourself. Maybe you are suppressing certain feelings that chose this moment to come to the surface? Could it be that you still have a conflict within yourself, that is now becoming known? By projecting your unconscious judgments onto others, you take away your own sense of responsibility and empowerment. What a waste! Every trigger offers the perfect opportunity to investigate what is still in your way. It is an illusion to seek the blame outside. The Mayans say in lak’ech to greet each other, meaning ‘I am another you’. If you recognize this truth then your world will become clear like a mirror, reflecting many insights and opportunities for growth.“ — Innercompasscards, Neel van Lierop
*Purchase your own personal deck of cards at the link below or Contact me for a private reading.
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